Es ist soweit - der 1. Advent ist da, und damit auch die angekündigte Überraschung!
Wir haben vom The Best Beads Shop ein Perlenpaket bekommen. Darin befanden sich unter anderem Tropfen und Rundperlen in magic Colors. Hinzugefügt wurden nur noch ein paar 11er Rocs und schon waren diese kleinen Engel für die Ohren passend zur Vorweihnachtszeit entstanden.
Die Anleitung für die Engel gibt es für unsere treuen Blogleser als Adventsgeschenk hier zum Download.
Unser herzlicher Dank gilt Frau Fomicheva vom The Best Beads Shop für das schöne Perlenpaket und die damit verbundene Herausforderung an uns. Welche Schätze sich noch in dem Paket befanden erfahrt Ihr am 2. Advent an dieser Stelle.
Bis dahin lohnt es sich den The Best Beads Shop einmal zu besuchen. Dort könnt Ihr eine große Auswahl an verschiedensten Perlen finden.
Time has come - it's the 1. Advent, and here is our announced surprise!
We got a package full of beads from The Best Beads Shop. Among other beads there were some drop and some magic colored round beads. Adding some 11/0 rocailles and these little angels for the ears, matching the christmas season, arised.
As an Advent present our loyal blog readers can download the pattern for the angels here (english version).
Many thanks to Mrs. Fomicheva from The Best Beads Shop for the nice bead package and the involved challenge for us. Which other beads were in the package we will let you know on 2. Advent here.
Until then maybe you like to visit The Best Beads Shop. There you can get a rich choice of different beads.
Time has come - it's the 1. Advent, and here is our announced surprise!
We got a package full of beads from The Best Beads Shop. Among other beads there were some drop and some magic colored round beads. Adding some 11/0 rocailles and these little angels for the ears, matching the christmas season, arised.
As an Advent present our loyal blog readers can download the pattern for the angels here (english version).
Many thanks to Mrs. Fomicheva from The Best Beads Shop for the nice bead package and the involved challenge for us. Which other beads were in the package we will let you know on 2. Advent here.
Until then maybe you like to visit The Best Beads Shop. There you can get a rich choice of different beads.

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Viel Spaß mit der Anleitung und eine schöne Adventszeit wünschen,
Have fun with the pattern and a nice christmas season from,
Nicole, Christina & Daniela